Xin-Hua Hu
received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from Nankai University, Tianjin, China in 1982 and 1985, M.S. degree in physics from Indiana University at Bloomington in 1986.  He moved to the University of California, Irvine with his supervising professor in 1986 and received a Ph.D. degree in physics in 1991, followed by a short period of working in the same research group at UCI as a postdoc. Since then he has been a research scientist at the Intelligent Surgical Lasers, Inc. in San Diego, California from 1992 to 1993.  Afterwards, he worked as a consultant in an effort to start a medical laser company for treating skin lesions.  At the end of 1994, he joined the physics faculty at East Carolina University and established the Biomedical Laser Laboratory in 1996. He is currently directing or co-directing research in optical imaging for diagnosis and monitoring treatment of cancers, tissue and cell optics, soft tissue ablation and large-scale parallel Monte Carlo and FDTD simulations on biological and turbid systems.


·         Refereed Publications

1.            H.F. Wang, X.H. Hu, W.Z. Zhou,  "Optical anomalies in LiNbO3 crystals", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 24,  Supp. 24-2, 275-277 (1985)

2.            X.H. Hu, H.F. Wang,  "The optical anomalies in LiNbO3 crystals", Ferroelectrics, 75, 109-116 (1987)

3.            X.H. Hu, T. Juhasz, W.E. Bron,  "The temperature dependence of the resistive response of superconducting Pb films upon picosecond optical excitation", Applied Physics A, 52, 155-159  (1991)

4.            X.H. Hu, T. Juhasz, W.E. Bron, "Transient electric field generated by nonequilibrium states in superconducting Pb films", Applied Physics Letters, 59, 3333-3335 (1991)

5.            T. Juhasz, H.E. Elsayed-Ali, X.H. Hu, W.E. Bron,  "Time-resolved thermoreflectivity of thin gold films and its dependence on the ambient temperature",  Physical Review B, 45 13819-13822 (1992)

6.            T. Juhasz, X.H. Hu, C.G. Suarez, W.E. Bron, E. Maiken, P. Taborek,  "Dynamics of photoexcited carriers relaxation in C60  Films",  Physical Review B, 48, 4929-4932 (1993)

7.            T. Juhasz, X.H. Hu, L. Turi, Z. Bor, "Dynamics of shock waves and cavitation generated by picosecond laser pulses in corneal tissue and water", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 15, 91-98 (1994)

8.            X.H. Hu, T. Juhasz, "Study of corneal ablation with picosecond laser pulses at 211nm and 263nm", Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 18, 373-380 (1996)

9.            A. Lembares, X.H. Hu, G.W. Kalmus, “Absorption spectra of the cornea in the far ultraviolet region”, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 38, 1283-1287 (1997)

10.        R. Fu, G. Wang, Z. Wang, E. Ba, G. Mu, X.H. Hu, "Design of efficient lens ducts", Applied Optics, 37, 4000-4003 (1998)

11.        Z. Song, K. Dong, X. H. Hu, and J. Q. Lu, " Monte Carlo Simulation of Converging Laser Beams Propagating in Biological Tissues", Applied Optics, 38, 2944-2949 (1999)

12.        J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, K. Dong, " Light Distribution of a Converging Laser Beam in a Two-layer Skin Model with Rough Interfaces", Applied Optics, 39, 5890-5897 (2000)

13.        Y. Du, X.H. Hu, M. Cariveau, X.Ma, G.W. Kalmus, J. Q. Lu, "Optical Properties of Porcine Skin Dermis between 900nm and 1500nm", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46, 167-181 (2001)

14.        X.H. Hu, Q. Fang, M. Cariveau, X. Pan, G.W. Kalmus, "Mechanism Study of Porcine Skin Ablation by Nanosecond Laser Pulses at 1064, 532, 266 and 213nm”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 37, 322-328 (2001)

15.        X.H. Hu, W. A. Wooden, S.J. Vore, M. Cariveau, Q. Fang, G.W. Kalmus,  “In Vivo Study of Intradermal Focusing for Tattoo Removal”, Lasers in Medical Science, 17, 154-164 (2002)

16.        J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu , "Modeling of Light Scattering in Biological Systems," invited Chapter in Recent Research Developments in Optics, vol. 2 (Research Signpost, 2002)

17.        X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Effect of Surface Roughness on Determination of Bulk Tissue Optical Parameters”, Optics Letters , 28,  2204-2206 (2003)

18.        X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, R. S. Brock, K.M. Jacobs, P. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Determination of Complex Refractive Index of Polystyrene Microspheres from 370 to 1610nm”, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48, 4165-4172 (2003)

19.        Q. Fang, X.H. Hu, “Modeling of Skin Tissue Ablation by Nanosecond Pulses from Ultraviolet to Near-infrared and Comparison with Experimental Results", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 40, 69-77 (2004)

20.        R.R. Allison, G.H. Downie, R.E. Cuenca, X.H. Hu, C.J.H. Childs, C.H. Sibata, “Photosensitizers in Clinical PDT”, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 1, 27-42 (2004)

21.        P. Yang, G. W. Kattawar, K.N. Liou, J. Q. Lu, “Choice of Cartesian grid configurations for applying the finite-difference time domain method to electromagnetic scattering by dielectric particles”, Applied Optics, 43, 4611-4624 (2004)

22.        R.R. Allison, C. Sibata, T.S. Mang, V.S. Bagnato, G.H. Downie, X.H. Hu, R. Cuenca, “Photodynamic therapy for chest wall recurrence from breast cancer”, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 1, 157-171 (2004)

23.        X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, H. Ding, X.H. Hu, “Bulk Optical Parameters of Porcine Skin Dermis Tissues at 8 Wavelengths from 325 to 1557nm”, Optics Letters, 30, 412-414 (2005)

24.        J.Q. Lu, P. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Simulations of Light Scattering from a Biconcave Red Blood Cell Using the FDTD method”, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 10(2), 024022 (April, 2005)

25.        H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, K.M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, "Determination of Refractive Indices of Porcine Skin Tissues and Intralipid at 8 Wavelengths between 325 and 1557nm", Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22, 1151-1157 (2005)

26.        Y. Feng, R.R. Allison, X.H. Hu, H. Mota,  T. Jenkins, M.L. Wolfe, C.H. Sibata, " An Ultrasonic Device for Source to Skin Surface Distance Measurement in Patient Setup", International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 61, 1587-1589 (2005)

27.        X.H. Hu, Y. Feng, J.Q. Lu, R.R. Allison, R.E. Cuenca, G.H. Downie, C.H. Sibata, “Modeling of a Type II Photofrin-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy Process in a Heterogeneous Tissue Phantom”, to be published in Photochemistry and Photobiology  (2005)

28.        X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, “Optical detection of cancers”, to be published in Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, ed. by G.E. Wnek and G.L. Bowlin (Marcel Dekker, 2005)

29.        R. S. Brock, X.H. Hu, P. Yang, J.Q. Lu, “Evaluation of a parallel FDTD code and application to modeling of light scattering by deformed red blood cells”, to be published in Optics Express (2005)

  • Non-referred Publications

1.            X.H. Hu, T. Juhasz, C.G. Suarez, W.E. Bron, E. Maiken, P. Taborek,  "Time resolved thermomodulation studies of C60 films", Technical Digest of QELS Conf., 13, Paper QTuH4 (1992)

2.            X.H. Hu, L.Turi, T. Juhasz,  "Time resolved study on shock wave and cavitation generated by picosecond laser pulses in water and tissues", Optical Society of Am. Annual Meeting Proceeding, Paper TuX4 (October, 1993)

3.            X.H. Hu, T. Juhasz,  "Corneal ablation with picosecond laser pulses at 211 and 263 nm", SPIE Proceedings, 2126, 15-21 (1994)

4.            X.H. Hu, “Efficient use of Q-switched lasers in the treatment of cutaneous lesions”, SPIE Proceedings, 2395, 586-591 (1995)

5.            X.H. Hu, A. Lembares, G.W. Kalmus, “Surface ablation of porcine skin tissue using nanosecond laser pulses at 1064 nm”, SPIE Proceedings, 2970, 335-337 (1997)

6.            Lembares, X.H. Hu, G.W. Kalmus, “Far ultraviolet absorption spectra of porcine and human corneas”, SPIE Proceedings, 2971, 46-54 (1997)

7.            K. Dong, Z. Song, J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Converging Laser Beams
Propagating in Skin Tissue Phantoms", SPIE Proceedings, 3590, 4-10 (1999)

8.            J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, Z. Song, K. Dong, "Simulation of light scattering in biological tissues: the coherent component", SPIE Proceedings, 3601, 474-481 (1999)

9.            Y. Du, M. Cariveau, G.W. Kalmus, J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Experimental Study of Optical Properties of Porcine Skin Dermis from 900 to 1500nm", SPIE Proceedings, 3917, 184-192 (2000)

10.        X.H. Hu, Q. Fang, M. Cariveau, X. Pan, G.W. Kalmus, "Ablation of Skin Tissue by Nanosecond Laser Pulses at 1064, 532, 266 and 213nm", SPIE Proceedings, 3914, 110-115 (2000)

11.        D. Wu, S. S. Zhao, J. Q. Lu, X. H. Hu, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Propagation in Skin Tissue Phantoms Using a Parallel Computing Method", SPIE Proceedings, 3914, 291-299 (2000)

12.        J. Q. Lu, K. Dong, X. H. Hu, "Effects of Rough Interfaces on a Converging Laser Beam Propagating in a Skin Tissue Phantom", SPIE Proceedings, 3917, 176-183 (2000)

13.        Y.Q. Li, C. Christou, X.H. Hu, M. A. Dinno, "Quasi-elastic light scattering of laser-trapped biological particles", CLEO/QELS (2000)

14.        X.H. Hu, W. A. Wooden, M.J. Cariveau, Q. Fang, J.F. Bradfield, G.W. Kalmus, S.J. Vore, Y. Sun, "Tattoo removal in micropigs with low-energy pulses from a Q-switched ND:YAG laser at 1064nm", SPIE Proceeding, 4244, 55-60 (2001)

15.        J.Q. Lu, P. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Accurate Simulation of Light Scattering by a Red Blood Cell using the FDTD Method”, CLEO 2002, paper CThO65

16.        Q. Fang and X.H. Hu, “Quantitative Understanding of Skin Tissue Ablation from UV to NIR with a New Plasma Model”, CLEO 2002, paper CWJ17

17.        X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Measuring the Bulk Optical Properties of Skin Tissue Samples with Rough Surfaces”, OSA Annual Meeting 2002, paper WQ1

18.        H. Ding, K.M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, “Refractive Index of Skin Tissues from 325 to 1550nm”, OSA Annual Meeting 2002, paper WQ2

19.        D. Pravica, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “The Limits of Light Diffusion Approximation”, OSA Annual Meeting 2002, paper WQ3

20.        J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Understanding of Flow Cytometry using FDTD Simulations”, OSA Annual Meeting 2002, paper WQ4

21.        J.Q. Lu, C.H. Sibata, R. S. Brock, R. R. Allison, G. H. Downie, R. E. Cuenca, X.H. Hu, “Optimization of PDT Treatment with Multiple Laser Beams Using a Parallel Monte Carlo Code”, AAPM Annual Meeting 2003, San Diego, California (abstract: Medical Physics, 30, 1513 (2003))

22.        X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, R. R. Allison, G. H. Downie, R. E. Cuenca, C.H. Sibata -Monte Carlo Based Model of Photodynamic Therapy Process”, AAPM Annual Meeting 2003, San Diego, California (abstract: Medical Physics, 30, 1513 (2003))

23.        X.H. Hu, Y. Feng, R.E. Cuenca, J. Q. Lu, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Ti, C.H. Sibata, “In Vivo Polarimetric Spectral Imaging and Multivariate Analysis of Dysplastic Lesions”, Optical Imaging Workshop 2004: Fourth Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside at the National Institutes of Health, NIH04-NIH101-225

24.        Y. Feng, R. Cuenca, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Ti, J.Q. Lu, S. Jackson, P. Gemperline, R. Allison, C.H. Sibata, G. Downie, X.H. Hu, “In Vivo multispectral imaging for diagnosis of melanoma”, OSA Annual Meeting 2004, paper FTuL5

25.        X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “In Vitro determination of bulk tissue optical parameters of porcine skin dermis”, OSA Annual Meeting 2004, paper FTuG51

26.        R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, D. Weidner, Y. Feng, “Modeling of light scattering by B-cells using a parallel FDTD method”, OSA Annual Meeting 2004, paper FTuG49

27.        J.Q. Lu, Y. Feng, R.E. Cuenca, Y. Ti, K. Li, K.M. Jacobs, S.B. Jackson, R.R. Allison, C.H. Sibata, G.H. Downie, X.H. Hu, “Multivariate Analysis of Monte Carlo Generated Images for Diagnosis of Dysplastic Lesions”, SPIE Proceedings, 5692, 29-36 (2005)

28.        R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, P. Yang, J.Q. Lu, “Simulation of light scattering by a pressure deformed red blood cell with a parallel FDTD method”, SPIE Proceedings, 5702, 69-75 (2005)

29.        K. Li, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, B. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Quantitative Modeling of Skin Images Using Parallel Monte Carlo Methods”, SPIE Proceedings, 5693, 82-87 (2005)

30.        X. Ma, H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Sun, X.H. Hu, “Bulk Tissue Optical Parameters of Porcine Skin Dermis at 8 Wavelengths from 325 to 1550nm”, SPIE Proceedings, 5695, 75-82 (2005)

31.        G. Downie, Y.Y.Huang, X.H. Hu, C. Sibata, R. Allison, R. Cuenca, C. Childs, Tumor ablation through self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) for airway neoplasm: The dosimetry and efficacy of photodynamic therapy”, accepted for presentation at 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer (IASLC) to be held 3 - 6 July 2005 in Barcelona, Spain. (Abstract Number: 946.00)

  • US Patent

    US Patent, "Treatment of Cutaneous Vascular and Pigmented Lesions", US5586981 (1996)

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