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   Peer-Reviewed Research Articles

   Invited Review Articles and Book Chapters

    • 1. J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Modeling of Light Scattering in Biological Systems", invited article in Recent Research Developments in Optics, vol. 2, 541-563 (Research Signpost, 2002)

      2. X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, "Optical detection of cancers", in Encyclopedia of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, ed. by G.E. Wnek and G.L. Bowlin (Marcel Dekker, 2005)

      3. X.H. Hu, W. Tang, K. Li, J.Q. Lu, “Transgenic plants with efficient laser-mediated gene transformation and multispectral imaging based rapid monitoring, in Genes, Genomes and Genomics, vol. 1, ed. by D. Thangadurai, W. Tang and T. Pullaiah (Regency Publications, 2006)

      4. J.Q. Lu, R. S. Brock, P. Yang, X.H. Hu, "Modeling of light scattering by single red blood cells with a FDTD method", in Optics of Biological Particles, ed. by A. Hoekstra, G. Videen and V. Maltsev (Springer, 2007)

      5. X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, “Label-free cell classification with a diffraction imaging flow cytometer", in Advanced Optical Flow Cytometry: Methods and Disease Diagnosis, ed. By V.V. Tuchin (Wiley, 2011)

   Conference Proceeding Publications

    • 1. X.H. Hu, A. Lembares, G.W. Kalmus, "Surface ablation of porcine skin tissue using nanosecond laser pulses at 1064nm", SPIE Proceedings, 2970, 335-337 (1997)

      2. A.Lembares, X.H. Hu, G.W. Kalmus, "Far ultraviolet absorption spectra of porcine and human corneas", SPIE Proceedings, 2971, 46-54 (1997)

      3. K. Dong, Z. Song, J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Converging Laser Beams Propagating in Skin Tissue Phantoms", SPIE Proceedings, 3590, 4-10 (1999)

      4. J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, Z. Song, K. Dong, "Simulation of light scattering in biological tissues: the coherent component", SPIE Proceedings, 3601, 474-481 (1999)

      5. Y. Du, M. Cariveau, G.W. Kalmus, J. Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Experimental Study of Optical Properties of Porcine Skin Dermis from 900 to 1500nm", SPIE Proceedings, 3917, 184-192 (2000)

      6. X.H. Hu, Q. Fang, M. Cariveau, X. Pan, G.W. Kalmus, "Ablation of Skin Tissue by Nanosecond Laser Pulses at 1064, 532, 266 and 213nm", SPIE Proceedings, 3914, 110-115 (2000)

      7. D. Wu, S. S. Zhao, J. Q. Lu, X. H. Hu, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Propagation in Skin Tissue Phantoms Using a Parallel Computing Method", SPIE Proceedings, 3914, 291-299 (2000)

      8. J.Q. Lu, K. Dong, X. H. Hu, "Effects of Rough Interfaces on a Converging Laser Beam Propagating in a Skin Tissue Phantom", SPIE Proceedings, 3917, 176-183 (2000)

      9. X.H. Hu, W. A. Wooden, M.J. Cariveau, Q. Fang, J.F. Bradfield, G.W. Kalmus, S.J. Vore, Y. Sun, "Tattoo removal in micropigs with low-energy pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064nm", SPIE Proceeding, 4244, 55-60 (2001)

      10.  J.Q. Lu, P. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Accurate Simulation of Light Scattering by a Red Blood Cell using the FDTD Method", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), paper CThO65, Long Beach, California, May 24-24 (2002) (abstract: OSA Technical Digest, 1, pp.553 - 554 (2002))

      11.  Q. Fang and X.H. Hu, “Quantitative Understanding of Skin Tissue Ablation from UV to NIR with a New Plasma Model", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), paper CWJ17, Long Beach, California, May 24-24 (2002) (abstract: OSA Technical Digest, 1, pp.409 - 410 (2002))

      12.  X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Measuring the Bulk Optical Properties of Skin Tissue Samples with Rough Surfaces", OSA Annual Meeting, paper WQ1, Orlando, Florida, September 29-October 3 (2002)

      13.  H. Ding, K.M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, “Refractive Index of Skin Tissues from 325 to 1550nm, OSA Annual Meeting, paper WQ2, Orlando, Florida, September 29-October 3 (2002)

      14.  D. Pravica, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “The Limits of Light Diffusion Approximation", OSA Annual Meeting, paper WQ3, Orlando, Florida, September 29-October 3 (2002)

      15.  J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Understanding of Flow Cytometry using FDTD Simulations", OSA Annual Meeting, paper WQ4, Orlando, Florida, September 29-October 3 (2002)

      16.  J.Q. Lu, C.H. Sibata, R. S. Brock, R. R. Allison, G. H. Downie, R. E. Cuenca, X.H. Hu, “Optimization of PDT Treatment with Multiple Laser Beams Using a Parallel Monte Carlo Code", AAPM Annual Meeting 2003, San Diego, California (abstract: Medical Physics, 30, 1513 (2003))

      17.  X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, R.R. Allison, G. H. Downie, R. E. Cuenca, C.H. Sibata "Monte Carlo Based Model of Photodynamic Therapy Process", AAPM Annual Meeting 2003, San Diego, California (abstract: Medical Physics, 30, 1513 (2003))

      18.  X.H. Hu, Y. Feng, R.E. Cuenca, J. Q. Lu, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Ti, C.H. Sibata, "In Vivo Polarimetric Spectral Imaging and Multivariate Analysis of Dysplastic Lesions", Optical Imaging Workshop 2004, Fourth Inter-Institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside, National Institutes of Health, NIH04-NIH101-225, Bethesda, Maryland, September (2004)

      19.  Y. Feng, R. Cuenca, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Ti, J.Q. Lu, S. Jackson, P. Gemperline, R. Allison, C.H. Sibata, G. Downie, X.H. Hu, “In Vivo multispectral imaging for diagnosis of melanoma", OSA Annual Meeting, paper FTuL5, Rochester, New York, October 10-14 (2004)

      20.  X. Ma, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “In Vitro determination of bulk tissue optical parameters of porcine skin dermis", OSA Annual Meeting, paper FTuG51, Rochester, New York, October 10-14 (2004)

      21.  R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu,D. Weidner, Y. Feng, “Modeling of light scattering by B-cells using a parallel FDTD method", OSA Annual Meeting, paper FTuG49, Rochester, New York, October 10-14 (2004)

      22.  J.Q. Lu, Y. Feng, R.E. Cuenca, Y. Ti, K. Li, K.M. Jacobs, S.B. Jackson, R.R. Allison, C.H. Sibata, G.H. Downie, X.H. Hu, “Multivariate Analysis of Monte Carlo Generated Images for Diagnosis of Dysplastic Lesions", SPIE Proceedings, 5692, 29-36 (2005)

      23.  R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, P. Yang, J.Q. Lu, “Simulation of light scattering by a pressure deformed red blood cell with a parallel FDTD method", SPIE Proceedings, 5702, 69-75 (2005)

      24.  K. Li, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, B. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Quantitative Modeling of Skin Images Using Parallel Monte Carlo Methods", SPIE Proceedings, 5693, 82-87 (2005)

      25.  X. Ma, H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, K.M. Jacobs, Y. Sun, X.H. Hu, “Bulk Tissue Optical Parameters of Porcine Skin Dermis at 8 Wavelengths from 325 to 1550nm", SPIE Proceedings, 5695, 75-82 (2005)

      26.  G. Downie, Y.Y. Huang, X.H. Hu, C. Sibata, R. Allison, R.Cuenca, C. Childs, "Tumor ablation through self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) for airway neoplasm: The dosimetry and efficacy of photodynamic therapy", 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer (IASLC), Barcelona, Spain, July (2005) (Abstract Number: 946.00)

      27.  J. Q. Lu, C. Chen, K.Li, K. M. Jacobs, B. Yang, X.H. Hu, “Imaging Based Tissue Optics: Parallel Monte Carlo Modeling and Phantom Measurements", OSA Annual Meeting, paper JWA47, Tucson, Arizona, October 16-20 (2005)

      28.  R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, D.A. Weidner, “Parallel FDTD Simulation of Light Scattering by Three-Dimensional B Cells at Different Phases of Cell Cycle", OSA Annual Meeting, paper JWA45, Tucson, Arizona, October 16-20 (2005)

      29.  J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, P. Yang, D.A. Weidner, “Numerical simulations of light scattering from blood cells using FDTD method", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Optics of Biological Particles, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 3-6 (2005)

      30.  R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, D.A. Weidner, J.R. Mourant, J.Q. Lu, “3D Reconstruction of B-lymphocytes with Confocal Images and Parallel FDTD Simulations of Light Scattering"‚ OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper MC8, Miami, Florida, March 19-22 (2006)

      31.  H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, D.A. Weidner, T.J. McConnell, L.P. Burke, X.H. Hu, “Angle-resolved Mueller Matrix Study of Light Scattering by B-Cells and HL-60 Cells at Three Wavelengths of 442, 633 and 850nm", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper ME73, Miami, Florida, March 19-22 (2006)

      32.  C. Chen, R.S. Brock, D.W. Pravica, X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, “Fast Modeling of Reflectance Image of Turbid Medium with Full-field Illuminatio", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2006, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 26-29 (2006)

      33.  H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, C. Chen, G.E. Downie, X.H. Hu, “Determination of Local Optical Parameters of Turbid Media with Optical Fibers", OSA Annual Meeting, paper JWD56, Rochester, New York, October 8-12(2006)

      34.  H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, L.P. Burke, D.A. Weidner, T.J. McConnell, X.H. Hu, “Determination of Intracellular Distributions of Refractive Index of B-cells and HL60 cells at 442, 633 and 850nm", OSA Annual Meeting, paper FTuQ1, Rochester, New York, October 8-12(2006)

      35.  R.S. Brock, H. Ding, D.A. Weidner, T.J. McConnell, X.H. Hu, J.R. Mourant, J.Q. Lu, “Modeling of the Internal Optical Structure of the Nuclei of B-cells", OSA Annual Meeting, paper FTuE2, Rochester, New York, October 8-12(2006)

      36.  H. Ding, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, L. P. Burke, D. A. Weidner, T.J. McConnell, X.H. Hu, “Angle-resolved Measurement and Simulations of Mueller Matrix of B-cells and HL60 cells", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2007, Beijing, China, March 26-30 (2007)

      37.  C. Chen, K. M. Jacobs, J.Q. Lu, R. E. Cuenca, J. Finley, X.H. Hu, “In Vivo Measurement and Modeling of Multispectral Reflectance Images for Melanoma Diagnosis", Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, PIERS 2007, Beijing, China, March 26-30 (2007)

      38.  H. Ding; J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, L.B. Burke, D.A. Weidner, T.J. McConnell, X.H. Hu, “Experimental Study of Angle-Resolved Mueller Matrix of B-cells and HL60 cells at 442, 633 and 850nm", International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences 2007, Paper #163, Moscow, Russia, 11-14 June 2007

      39.  R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, D.A. Weidner, J.R. Mourant, J.Q. Lu, “Simulations of Light Scattering from B-cells with Inhomogeneous Nuclei Using an Improved FDTD Program", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BTuF13, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 16-19 (2008)

      40.  C. Chen, J.Q. Lu, K. M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, “Noninvasive Determination of Optical Parameters from One Reflectance Image and Extension to Depth-Resolving", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BTuF26, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 16-19 (2008)

      41.  J. Q. Lu, J. Ding, K.M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, “Diffraction Imaging of Biological Cells in Microfluidic Flow", International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Science (LALS) 2008, paper Sat-S34-04, (invited), Taipei, Taiwan, China, December 4-6 (2008)

      42.  A.E. Ekpenyong, J. Ding, L.V. Yang, N.R. Leffler, J.Q. Lu, R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, “Study of 3-D Cell Morphology and Effect on Light Scattering Distribution", European Conferences on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), paper MJ58, Munich, Germany, June 14-18 (2009)

      43.  M. Moran, R.S. Brock, X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, “Analytic Modeling of 3D Structure of Biologic Cells Using a Gaussian Random Sphere Method", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BSuD64, Miami, Florida, April 11-14 (2010)

      44.  J.Q. Lu, H. Ding1, C.L. Reynolds, Y. Feng, L.V. Yang, F.E. Bertrand, T.J. McConnell, X.H. Hu, “Angle-resolved Light Scattering Study of NALM-6 and HL-60 Cells for White Blood Cell Differentiation", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BTuD85, Miami, Florida, April 11-14 (2010)

      45.  K.M. Jacobs, J. Ding, L.V. Yang, C.L. Reynolds, A.E. Ekpenyong, Y. Feng, M.A. Farwell, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Diffraction Imaging Flow Cytometric and 3D Morphological Analysis of Three Cell Lines", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BTuD44, Miami, Florida, April 11-14 (2010)

      46.  J. Ding, T. Wu, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Self-Checked Metamorphic Testing of an Image Processing Program", 2010 Fourth International Conference on Secure Software Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), SSIRI.2010.25, pp.190-197, Singapore, 9-11 June (2010)

      47.  I. Gkigkitzis, C. Yang, Y. Feng, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Modeling of PDT Kinetics in Cell Killing", SPIE Proceedings, 7866, Paper #7886-23 (2011)

      48.  K. Dong, K.M. Jacobs, Yu Sa, Y. Feng, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Study of Cell Classification with a Diffraction Imaging Flow Cytometer Method", SPIE Proceedings, 7902, Paper #7902-39 (2011)(Invited)

      49.  X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu, Y. Feng, “Rapid Analysis of White Blood Cells with Diffraction Imaging Flow Cytometry", SPIE Proceedings, 7907, Paper #7907-33 (2011)

      50.  J. Ding, T. Wu, D. Xu, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, “Metamorphic Testing of a Monte Carlo Modeling Program", Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST 2011, pp. 1-7, Waikiki, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 23-24, 2011

      51.  Y. Zhang, X.H. Hu, P. Wang, Y. Yang, R. Niu, Y. Sa, C. Yang, Y. Feng, “A Fast Aberration Correction Method for 3D Reconstruction with Confocal Microscopic Images", AAPM Annual Meeting 2011, Vancouver, Canada; abstract: Medical Physics, 38, 3835 (2011)

      52.  M. Moran, X.H. Hu,J.Q. Lu, “Correlating the light scattering pattern of a biological cell to its mitochondrial properties using a Gabor filter technique", SPIE Proceedings, 8230, 82300P (2012)

      53.  Y. Zhang, Y. Sa, Y. Feng, X.H. Hu, “3D cell feature measurement with a diffraction imaging method", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems, VECIMS 2012, pp.176-180, Tianjin, China, July 2-4 (2012)

      54.  J. Zhang, W. Lin, K.M. Jacobs, X.H. Hu, “CExtraction of microsphere size from diffraction images with an STFT methode", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces, and Measurement Systems, VECIMS 2012, pp.213-216, Tianjin, China, July 2-4 (2012)

      55.  I. Gkigkitzis, X.H. Hu, “A model of cellular decision making in photodynamic therapy of cancer", Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, BIBM 2012, pp.385-389, Philadelphia, U.S.A., October 4-7 (2012)

      56.  C. L, P. Wang, W. Xu, Q. Pang, W. Lu, J. Zhang, X.H. Hu, Y. Feng, “A new heterogeneity assessment model for tumors in 18F-FDG PET-CT images", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China, May 26-31 (2012); IFMBE Proceedings, 39, pp.1738-1741 (2013)

      57.  M.S. Moran, R.S. Brook, X.H. Hu, J.Q. Lu “Realistic analytic cell modelling", Electromagnetic and Light Scattering XIV, F2-157, Lille, France, June 17-21 (2013)

      58.  W. Jiang, H. Hong, R. Juskevicius, D.A. Weidner, Y. Feng, L.V. Yang, J.Q. Lu, X. H. Hu, "Study of 3D Structural Differences between CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes", OSA Biomedical Optics Topical Meeting, paper BS3A.78, Miami, Florida, April 26-30 (2014)

      59.  S.K. Thati, J. Ding, D. Zhang, X. H. Hu, "Feature Selection and Analysis of Diffraction Images", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security-Companion (QRS-C), 80-88, Vancouver, BC, August 3-5 (2015)

      60.  J. Ding, D. Zhang, X. H. Hu, "An Application of Metamorphic Testing for Testing Scientific Software", 1st International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET 2016) , paper ICSE16-MET-14, Vancouver, BC, May 16 (2016)

      61.  J. Ding, X. Kang, X. H. Hu,V. Gudivada "Building a Deep Learning Classifier for Enhancing a Biomedical Big Data Service", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), Electronic ISSN: 2474-2473, pp. 141-147, Honolulu, HI, June 25-30, 2017

      62.  S. Al-Qaysi, H. Hong, Y. Wen, J.Q. Lu, Y. Feng, X.H. Hu, "Profiling pleural effusion cells by a diffraction imaging method", SPIE Proceedings, 10497, 104971J (2018)

      63.  P. Tian, S.M. Mutisya, J. Jin, J.Q. Lu, X.H. Hu, "Spectral determination of µa, µs and g of one thick turbid sample from three scattered light signals", European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, paper 11074-87, Munich, Germany, June, 24 (2019)

      64.  J. Jin, J.Q. Lu, Y. Wen, P. Tian, X.H. Hu, "CNN based classification of 5 cell types by diffraction images", European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, paper 11076-52, Munich, Germany, June, 26 (2019)

      65.  J. Ding, X. Li, X.H. Hu, "Testing Scientific Software with Invariant Relations: A Case Study", IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS), DOI: 10.1109/QRS.2019.00057, Sofia, Bulgaria, 22-26 July (2019)

      66.  D. Dai, H. Hong, S.Al-Qaysi, X.H. Hu, "Quantitative Profiling of Cancer Cell Morphology with Serous Effusion Samples by Machine Learning", College of American Pathologists (CAP) 2019 Annual Meeting, paper #142, Orlando, Florida, September 21-25 (2019)

   News Reports

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